
It is evident that the Council's pro-activeness has placed the Institute among the forerunners in the tertiary sector in respect of resource management. Our prudent yet cautious approach has put the Institute in a favourable position as reflected in the results of the "Value for Money" Audits conducted by the Government's Audit Commission which was presented to the Legislative Council in April 2003. For example, we rank second highest among all UGC-funded institutions in the out-tasking of security, cleaning, landscaping and other non-academic services and our audit system was commended.

Looking ahead, we are aware of the significant impact of the increasing expectations of society on the Institute arising from the demographic changes and declining resources. With the reduction of government funding, projected declining student numbers and the removal of the front-end loading granted by the UGC for development, the Institute is facing major challenges surpassing what it has previously faced. However, with the concerted efforts of the mission-driven Council, staff and students, I'm confident that we will be able to not only overcome but rise from and excel in the adversity.

I would like to take this opportunity to salute my predecessor, Dr Simon S O Ip, JP, who served as the Institute's Chairman of the Provisional Council in 1993 and Founding Chairman from 1994 until early this year.

Dr Ip has contributed enormously to the cause of education, in particular the upgrading of teacher education, through his selfless, judicious and charismatic leadership at the Institute. Under his stewardship, the Institute has now upgraded itself from a largely sub-degree level to a stage of maturity ready for self-accrediting status. Dr Ip's leadership will not be a page of history of the Institute, but a book that we will always refer to in our road to future challenges and success. In recognition of his tremendous contributions to society and tertiary education in Hong Kong, the Institute conferred the title of Doctor of Education, honoris causa, on Dr Ip in 2003.

Finally, I must thank my fellow Council Members and the staff for their professionalism and zest in pursuit of the goals of the Institute. Mr Peter Lee Ting-chang, JP, retired this year and Dr Pang King-chee, Vice President (Quality Assurance and Educational Services) left the Institute in March 2003. We are greatly indebted to their dedicated advice and services over the years.

I would like to also welcome two new Members of Council; namely, Mr Victor Cha Mou-zing and Mr Anthony Chow Wing-kin, JP, who took office this year.

Thomas K Leung, BBS, JP
Chairman of the Council