
Meticulous care was taken in the recruitment of dedicated staff, seeking the right blend of experience, subject knowledge, personal attributes and talents. Staffed by 11 teachers, half of whom were trained at HKIEd, the school is led by a dynamic and visionary principal whose breadth of professional knowledge and international experience have proved to be invaluable in the strategic planning and leadership of this new school.

Being located right on the HKIEd campus, the school is free to draw on the expertise of the Institute's faculty members. On the other hand, the school provides an outstanding venue for ongoing professional training, in addition to offering opportunities for research, teaching practice and observation of teaching and learning activities.

Learning from a crisis
Hong Kong faced an unprecedented crisis in the spring of 2003 with the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). This experience, whilst tragic for many, has nevertheless provided the community with a deeper insight into the value of life and the importance of communal values.

Learning from SARS and beyond

As a teacher education institution, HKIEd recognised that the outbreak of SARS is itself an invaluable opportunity for learning, and that with careful guidance the younger generation may transform a crisis into a learning opportunity. With this in mind, the Institute initiated a community-wide project entitled "Learning from SARS and Beyond" in May 2003 targeting all students in early childhood, primary and secondary schools in a creative venture encouraging them to record and reflect on what they had experienced during the outbreak, using different modes of presentation via various types of media.

All outstanding submitted works entries will be displayed in the HKIEd 'sarslearning' website at http://www.ied.edu.hk/sarslearning/ and there will be an exhibition and awards ceremony at Hong Kong Museum of History in December. The Institute is also planning the compilation of an anthology of outstanding works.

This special project has been supported or sponsored by government departments and various organisations, including Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong Education City, Hong Kong Museum of History, the Hong Kong and China Gas Company and Cathay Pacific.