Appendix II

The Council Membership
As at 30 June 2003

Dr Thomas LEUNG Kwok-fai, BBS, JP

Deputy Chairman
Mr Alfred CHAN Wing-kin

Mr Anthony WU Ting-yuk

Mr Victor CHA Mou-zing
Mr CHEUNG Pak-hong, BBS
Mrs Angela CHEUNG WONG Wan-yiu, JP
Mr Anthony CHOW Wing-kin, JP
Mr LIN Man-sheung
Mr Eddie NG Hak-kim
Mr PANG Yiu-kai, JP
Sir William TAYLOR, CBE
Professor Amy TSUI Bik-may
Ms Ada WONG Ying-kay, JP
Professor Paul MORRIS
Professor Phillip MOORE
Acting Vice President (Academic)
Dr Francis CHEUNG Wing-ming
Acting Vice President (Quality Assurance and Educational Services)

Representative of the Secretary for Education and Manpower
Mr CHENG Man-yiu

Elected Staff Representatives
Mrs Carol TANG CHAN Ka-lok
Dr Kenneth Scott VOLK
Mr WONG Ping-ho

Representatives nominated by the Academic Board
Professor Anna KINDLER
Dr LAI Kwok-chan

Student Representative
Mr HO Tin-yau

Member and Secretary
Mr Norman NGAI Wai-yiu
Vice President (Resources and Administrative Services)

Five Members retired from the Council during the year:
Mr SHEK Sung-hei (from 1 September 2002)
Professor David GROSSMAN (from 9 January 2003)
Professor Louisa LAM Suk-wah (from 9 January 2003)
Dr Simon IP Sik-on, JP (from 25 April 2003)
Mr Peter LEE Ting-chang, JP (from 25 April 2003)

Two Members resigned from the Council during the year:
Dr LEE Kar-tin (from 1 June 2003)
Dr PANG King-chee (from 1 June 2003)