Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 9, Issue 2, Article 2 (Dec., 2008)
Ayşe SERT ÇIBIK, Emine Hatun DİKEN & Emine Selcen DARÇIN
The effect of group works and demonstrative experiments based on conceptual change approach: Photosynthesis and respiration

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1. Which of the following choices about the respiration in plants and animals is true?

I. Respiration in plants is photosynthesis.

II. Plants make respiration only nights, animals makes all the time.

III. There is no difference between respiration in plants and animals, both are similar.

IV. Plants make anaerobic(without oxygen) respiration, animals make aerobic(with oxygen) respiration.

V. While respiration in plants occurs in leaf cells, in animals, it occurs in lung cells.

The reason why I chose this/these choice/choices is that,...................................:

While the plants take carbon dioxide and give out oxygen during day, they take oxygen and give out carbon dioxide at nights.

Plants do not make respiration during the photosynthesis.

Products derived from respiration can be already provided by photosynthesis because plants have different organelles and enzymes.

Respiration in plants and animals occur in a same way.

Plants have special organelles for respiration

. ................................................................................................................................

2. 20 small circular pieces, whose diameter is 1 mm, was cut from the leaves which have similar properties from a geranium plant in three different times. Firstly it was cut at 04:00 am (group A), secondly it was cut at 04:00 pm in the same day (Group B), and last one was at 04:00 am in the next day (Group C). Then, the pieces are dried (dehydrate) at 105 oC and weighted. Which of the following results can be obtained?

I. Group C has the most dried weight.

II. Group B has the most dried weight.

III. Group A has the most dried weight.

IV. Group B has minimum dried weight.

The reason why I chose this choice is that,.........................................................:

The use of water as a raw material during the photosynthesis process increases the dried weight.

Dried weight is minimum in the morning because plants make respiration only at nights, so organic compounds are broken into pieces at nights.

Dried weight of leaf increases at 04:00 pm afternoon because the weather is very hot; consequently, the more amount of water is lost by transpiration.

It is an increase in the Amount of product by continuation of photosynthesis of the leaf along the day. A major amount of product is transported to other organs of plants at night.


3. Which of the following choices is the general equation of photosynthesis?

I.   CO2 + energy      Glucose + H2O

II.  Glucose + O2      CO2  +  H2O + energy

III. 6CO2 + 6H2O      C6H12O6 +6O2

IV. 6CO2 + +H2O    nutrient + O2

V.  Carbon dioxide + water   Glucose + energy

The reason why I chose this/these choice/choices is that,............................:

Chlorophyll pigment produce glucose and water by binding light energy and carbon dioxide.

With the help of light energy, nutrient and energy is produced from carbon dioxide and water.

Sun light produce glucose and oxygen by combining carbon dioxide and water with the help of chlorophyll in plants.

Carbon dioxide, water and energy emerge by combining glucose and oxygen with the help of sunlight. Glucose and oxygen are produced by combining carbon dioxide and water. Reverse case can be also realized in appropriate conditions.


4. Which of the following items comparing the processes of respiration and photosynthesis in plants is true?

Photosynthesis Respiration
Occurs only in green plants. Occurs only in animals.
Occurs in all the plants. Occurs only in all animals.
Occur in green plants if light energy is available. Occurs in all plants and animals at all times.
Occur in green plants if light energy is available. Occur in all animals always, occur in all plants unless light energy is available.

The reason why I chose this/these choice/choices is that,................................................:

Green plants do not make any respiration during photosynthesis while green plants make photosynthesis during the day, they respire at nights,.

Green plants respire under the condition when they can not gain enough energy from photosynthesis; animals make respiration because they can not make photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis occurs in green plants under the condition that the light energy is available; on the other hand respiration occurs in all living organisms at all times.


5. Which of the following factors during the photosynthesis process is not important?

I. Amount of Oxygen.

II. Amount of chlorophyll.

III. Amount of water.

IV. Amount of carbon dioxide

V. Amount of light

The reason why I chose this/these choice/choices is that,..................................................:

Photosynthesis may also occur under the condition that the light is not available.

Photosynthesis may also occur under the condition carbon dioxide is not available.

Mushroom-like-plants which are not green and not containing chlorophyll pigments may also make photosynthesis.

There is no need to oxygen for photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis may also occur without using water.


Figure 1: Structure of Chloroplast



Figure 2: Does Continue Respiration Day and Night?


Figure 3: Structures of Chloroplast and Mitochondria


Figure 4: Living Beings in the Food Chain and Conception Map Which Shows Living Beings’ Relationship between Their Respiration


Figure 5: Table of Meaning Analysis Relationship between Photosynthesis and Respiration in Plants


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