Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 8, Issue 2, Article 11 (Dec., 2007)
Yuan LING & Hong Kwen BOO

Concept mapping and pupils’ learning in primary science in Singapore

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Data analysis of exploratory study

Quantitative analysis of results

The data collected and analyzed included scores for multiple choices and open ended questions in the pre and post tests on the topic of matter and light for gifted and matter for the main stream. Pupils' pre tests scores were checked to ensure the pupils in the experimental and control groups for both gifted and main stream were statistically equivalent. This means that the groups shared similar cognitive structure before treatment and hence the effect of the pupil's prior knowledge on subsequent learning could be taken as equivalent.

Pair sample t-tests were carried out to present statistical significance for the pre and post tests results scored by all pupils. The null hypothesis states there is no significant difference between the means of the results achieved in pre and post tests between the experimental and control group. The alternate hypothesis states that there is a significant difference between the means of the results achieved in pre and post tests between the experimental and control groups. A confidence level of 95% was selected. The comparison of the t value elicited answers to whether concept mapping enhance primary school pupils' (both gifted and mainstream) performance in terms of marks in science.


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