Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 6, Issue 2, Article 6 (Dec., 2005)
Muammer CALIK and Alipasa AYAS
An analogy activity for incorporating students' conceptions of types of solutions
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Challenging Students' Ideas 

In this phase, a teacher ought to verify the knowledge students have constructed. But some students may not have comprehended even after gaining experience with the analogy, so that they need to be informed whether their conception is correct or incorrect. Prior to addressing the target concept, the teacher evaluates students' understanding to elicit whether or not students have constructed the correct chemical idea. If some students have not yet understood the concepts, the teacher uses a Socratic dialogue to teach the similarities and differences between analog and target concept. In doing this, the teacher clearly teaches the chemical knowledge or target concept so that she/he confirms or disconfirms the knowledge/concept students perceived.

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