Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 6, Issue 2, Article 5 (Dec., 2005)
A study on environmental knowledge level of primary students in Turkey
Previous Contents


  1. Bassey, M. (1999). Case Study Research in Educational Settings. Buckingham, Philadelphia: Open University Press.

  2. Carre, C. & Carter, D. (1993). Primary Teachers' Self-Perceptions Concerning implementation Of The National Curriculum For Science in The Ok. International Journal Of Science Education, 15, 457-470.

  3. Dennis. L. J. and Knapp, D. (1997). John Dewey as Environmental Educator. The Journal of Environmental Education, 28, 5-9.

  4. Flogaitis, E., & Alexopoulou, I. (1991). Environmental Education in Greece. European Journal of Education, 26(4), 339-345.

  5. Froud, K. (1994). Environmental Education: Teaching Approaches And Pupils' Attitudes; An on going Research Project. Paper Presented To The National Seminar on Environmental Education Research, University of Bradford.

  6. Gorodetsky, M. & Keiny, S. (1995). Conceptual Change and Environmental Cognition. International Journal of Science Education, 17, 207-217.

  7. Gittins, J. (1988). It's better than MacDonald's: Exploring Greenspace. Paper presented at the Second Conference on Heritage Presentation and Interpretation, University of Warwick, Coventry, England.

  8. Ham, H. S., & Castillo, L. (1990). Elementary schools in Honduras: Problems in exporting environmental education models from the United States. The Journal of Environmental Education, 21(4), 27-32.

  9. Jaus, H. H. (1982). The effect of environmental education instruction on children's attitudes toward the environment. Science Education, 66(5), 689-692.

  10. Littledyke, M. (1997). Science education for environmental education? British Educational Research Journal, 23(5), 641-659.

  11. OEDB. (1990). Researching the natural world: A textbook for grade two. Athens, Greece: Ministry of Education.

  12. Paraskevopoulos, S. Padeliadu, S., and K. Zafiropoulos. (1998) Environmental Knowledge of Elementary School Students in Greece. The Journal of Environmental Education, 29(3), 55-60.

  13. Shin, D.S. (2000). Environmental Education Course Development for Preservice Secondary School Science Teachers in the Republic Of Korea. The Journal of Environmental Education, 31(4), 11-18.

  14. Wals, A. (1994). Pollution stinks! De Lier. The Netherlands: Academic Book Centre.


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