Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 6, Issue 2, Article 8 (Dec., 2005)
Ke-Sheng CHAN
Exploring the dynamic interplay of college students' conceptions of the nature of science
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Appendix I: Rubba Model of Scientific Knowledge (Rubba & Andersen, 1978)  

Amoral Scientific knowledge provides man with many capabilities, but does not instruct him on how to use them. Moral judgment can be passed only on man's application of scientific knowledge, not on the knowledge itself.
Creative Scientific knowledge is a product of the human intellect. Its invention requires as much as creative imagination as does the work of an artist, a poet, or a composer. Scientific knowledge embodies the creative essence of the scientific inquiry process.
Developmental Scientific knowledge is never "proven" in an absolute and final sense. It changes over time. The justification process limits scientific knowledge as probable. Beliefs which appear to be good ones at one time may be appraised differently when more evidence is at hand. Previously accepted beliefs should be judged in their historical context.
Parsimonious Scientific knowledge tends toward simplicity, but not to the disdain of complexity. It is comprehensive as opposed to specific. There is a continuous effort in science to develop a minimum number of concepts to explain the greatest possible number of observations.
Testable Scientific knowledge is capable of public empirical test. Its validity is established through repeated testing against accepted observations. Consistency among test results is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for the validity of scientific knowledge.
Unified Scientific knowledge is born out of an effort to understand the unity of nature. The knowledge produced by the various specialized sciences contributes to a network of laws, theories, and concepts. This systemized body gives science its explanatory and predictive power.


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