Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 3, Issue 2, Article 5 (Dec., 2002)
Wang Xiaojun, Tang Zhiwen and Zhong Jianlv

A brief report on the first physics experiment design competition by high school students in Guang Dong

A brief report on the first physics experiment design competition by high school students in Guang Dong

Xiaojun WANG, Zhiwen TANG and Jianlv ZHONG

Physics department

South China Normal University

China, Guang Zhou, 510631



Received 12 July, 2002


The background of the first competition of physics experiment design by high school students in Guang Dong is reported. Some productions with excellent quality are analysed. The significance of the competition is also discussed.

Keywords: Physics experiment; Originality; Exploring learning; Science activity


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