Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 2, Issue 1, Article 1 (Jun., 2001)
Amanda Berry and John Loughran
Curriculum change in science teaching: the need to listen to teachers

Curriculum change in science teaching: the need to listen to teachers

Amanda Berry and John Loughran

Faculty of Education
Monash University

Email: and



The Victorian (Science) Curriculum and Standards Frameworks (CSF) is intended to provide the basis for curriculum planning, reporting and student achievement in Victorian schools. The basis of the approach to learning adopted in the CSF initially challenged the long held practice of School Based Curriculum Development that has been strong in Victoria for at least the past 20 years. The CSF was initially introduced to schools in 1995 and has been through two incarnations as science teachers and curriculum writers struggled with the tensions created by a curriculum that impacted on classroom practice in ways that highlighted a number of dilemmas for science teachers.

Copyright (C) 2001 HKIEd APFSLT. Volume 2, Issue 1, Article 1 (Jun., 2001)