Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 20, Issue 2, Article 1 (Jun., 2021)
Mohosina Jabin TOMA & S M Hafizur RAHMAN
Analogy in secondary physics teaching-learning: Teachers’ views and practices in Bangladesh

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The method of data collection followed explanatory sequential mixed method. Quantitative data (survey) was collected to select the cases and then qualitative data (case studies) was collected. The study was conducted on 55 secondary physics teachers to determine the teachers with better understanding of analogy. The questionnaire used for this determination process also explored their views on using analogy. Three teachers were chosen from them and selected as three cases for lesson observations to understand their practice and interviews to explore their views furthermore. Classwork copies of students from those three cases were also analyzed.

The teachers at the first phase (55 teachers) were selected through convenient sampling and at the second phase, three of them were selected purposefully with better understanding of analogy. Students (3 from each case) for analyzing classwork copies (document analysis) were also selected purposefully and these were the students who are most attentive ones in the classes, who take notes regularly.

Data analysis

For the quantitative part of the study, a five-point likert scale with 16 statements was used. Here, scale 5= strongly agree, 4= agree, 3=uncertain, 2= disagree and 1= strongly disagree. Negatively worded questions were counted oppositely. There were 16 statements in the questionnaire and score of all the statements for each teacher was counted and summed up to determine high scoring teachers. Three teachers with high scores were chosen as they have better understanding of analogy. After choosing those teachers as cases, lessons were observed, interviews were conducted and classwork copies were analyzed. Views of teachers were presented as two categories- their belief and their understanding. Descriptive analysis was used for types of analogies teachers use in their practice and presented through graphical representation. Analogies were analyzed and divided into five categories according to the classification system developed by Thiele and Treagust (1994) and Curtis and Reigeluth (1984). These categories were used to analyze the types of analogies teachers frequently use during their teaching.



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