Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 20, Issue 2, Article 6 (Jun., 2021)
Applying gamification to improve the quality of teaching and learning of Chemistry in high schools: A case study of Indonesia

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Based on the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the use of computer-assisted as a learning media for Chemistry can be beneficial to improved learning outcomes through better student engagement and creating a motivating environment. The following attest to the conclusion:

  1. Student activities during learning with games as learning media is a better reflection of student-centered learning.
  2. Student learning outcomes, where the experimental group achieved mastery of the subject taught based on post-test score, and was significantly better than the control group.
  3. The response of students in the experimental group gave a positive response to the use of the game as a learning media for Chemistry and expressed a higher level of student engagement.
  4. The use of computer-propelled games as a learning media for Chemistry can complement teaching or act as an alternative mode of teaching while retaining the student-centered learning approach.
  5. Gamification helps to achieve a mastery of learning outcomes, where teachers can design games into their teaching to improve students’ learning experience in Chemistry, and create an environment of education with entertainment.  


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