Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 18, Issue 2, Article 12 (Dec., 2017) |
Analysis of Effectiveness of the Virtual Microscopic Simulation (VMS)
To explore the effectiveness of the VMS on the students' conceptual understanding of heat transfer, statistical analysis was performed and given in the Table 3. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference with overall pre-, post-, and retention-test scores of conceptual understanding of heat transfer. The results of Post hoc analysis with Wilcoxon signed rank test indicated that the students through a great progression of their conceptual understanding of heat transfer considering from pretest to posttest and the posttest score was significantly better than the pretest, show Z: -4.33, P(post>pre) < 0.012. Besides, a great progression of their conceptual understanding was established on a discrepancy between pretest and retention-test scores, and the retention-test score was significantly better than the pretest, show Z : -4.33, P(post>pre) < 0.012. Though, they too ended a slight reduce of conceptual understanding scores from posttest to retention test and its difference was also significantly, show Z : -2.27, P(post>pre) < 0.023.
Table 4. Statistical Results of Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test of Conceptual Understanding
Types of Tests
Mean (max. = 20)
Mean Rank
Post hoc comparison
Pretest (a)
Posttest (b)
Retention test (c)2.02
2.28(b) > (a)*
(b) > (c)*
(c) > (a)*In summary, Table 4 indicated that there was a statistically significant difference among overall pre-, post-, and retention-test scores of conceptual understanding of heat transfer. The result indicated that the students' conceptual understanding showed significant improvement after simulating by the VMS (as of 8.15 to 17.25), other than they ended a slight reduce as of posttest to retention test (as of 17.25 to 11.65). Post hoc analysis with Wilcoxon signed rank test conducted with adjustment applied and the results indicated that the students blot a great progression of their conceptual understanding of heat transfer from pretest to posttest and the post test score was significant. VMS significant for the effectiveness students’ understandings
Analysis of Conceptual Change Category
The effectiveness of VMS on the students' conceptual development of heat transfer was also investigated in this study. Five categories (PG, MC, MPC, MIC, and RG) were used to interpret a transitional change of students' conceptual understanding from pretest to posttest and posttest to retention test. The percentages of the quantity of conceptual change on the transitions were presented in Figure 7 and 8.
Figure 7. Pretest-Posttest of Conceptual Change of Heat Transfer
Figure 7 to pretest posttest of conceptual change of heat transfer, the percentage of the Progress (PG) category was higher than any other category. The conceptual change on conduction concept percentages was for Progress (PG) 80.00, for Maintain-Correct (MC) 11.50, for Maintain-Partial Correct (MPC) 4.00, for Maintain-Incorrect (MIC) 1.50, for Retrogression (RG) 3.00 respectively. The conceptual change on convection concept percentages was for PG 76.00, for MC 7.50, for MPC 8.00, for MIC 6.00, for RG 2.50 respectively. The conceptual change on radiation concept percentages was for PG 74.00, for MC 5.00, for MPC 8.50, for MIC 7.50, for RG 3.00 respectively. This result indicated that there was an understanding development of the students after learning to use the VMS.
Figure 8. Posttest-Retention Test of Conceptual Change of Heat Transfer
Figure 8 displayed the percentages of the quantity of posttest retention test of conceptual change of heat transfer. The conceptual change on conduction concept percentages was for PG 28.00, for MC 50.00, for MPC 9.00, for MIC 6.00, for RG 7.00 respectively. The conceptual change on convection concept percentages was for PG 23.00, for MC 66.25, for MPC 4.75, for MIC 4.00, for RG 2.00 respectively. The conceptual change on radiation concept percentages was for PG 19.00, for MC 52.50, for MPC 14.00, for MIC 10.50, for RG 4.00 respectively. This result indicated that there was consistency of student understanding after learning to use the VMS.
Students’ Quantity Conceptual changes
The results showed that overall students who experienced conceptual change after learning decreased quantity. All conceptual change labels can be well-reheated. At the time before learning, the number of students who conceptual change on each label conceptual change is low, the majority of students are in the category Progress (PG) 80.00, for Maintain-Correct (MC) 11.50, for Maintain-Partial Correct (MPC) 4.00, for Maintain-Incorrect (MIC) 1.50, for Retrogression (RG) 3.00 respectively of students is scientific knowledge.
The application of virtual heat transfer simulation media on the conceptual alteration learning model has been able to help improve the students' understanding of the matter of heat transfer through the reduction of the quantity of students who have not understood the concept of (Maintain-Incorrect and Retrogression) and the reduction of the quantity of students experiencing conceptual change. Similarly, the quantity of students experiencing conceptual change decreased until there was no single student identified conceptual change on each label conceptual change. This result is similar to the findings of Dega et al. (2013), the study findings that interactive simulations are more effective for constructing cognitive conflicts in facilitating conceptual change to remediate the conceptual changes of students.
The reduction of the quantity of students experiencing lake of knowledge and error in the learning process occurs during the concept explanation phase at the confrontation stage of conception up to the stage of concept extension, where in that phase there are activities that enable students to construct their conception through assimilation and accommodation of new concepts. The concept construction process is supported by the use of real props media and virtual simulation of heat transfer during the learning process. Through the implementation of such a process, students who initially experienced a lake of knowledge and error changed to understand the concept (scientific knowledge).
Meanwhile, the reduction of the quantity of students experiencing conceptual changes in the learning process begins since the confrontation stage of conception is then reinforced to the extent of concept expansion. In the confrontation stage of conception, students are presented facts or actual phenomena that occur contrary to the student's early conception. This fact or phenomenon is performed with real demonstrations and virtual simulations that cause conflicts in student thinking. The occurrence of these cognitive conflicts diminishes students' beliefs over their early conceptions, so they attempt to review the initial conception. This stage becomes the beginning of the process of change of conception. This stage will facilitate the process of reconstruction of conceptions in students' cognitive structure. Reconstruction of conception occurs since students experience cognitive conflict to arrive at the stage of concept expansion. The decline in the quantity of students experiencing conceptual changes from the posttest resulted in a change in student conception, from conceptual changes to true conceptions in accordance with the conceptions of experts or scientists. Changes in this conception cannot be separated from the effective role of both media demonstration media real phenomena and virtual simulation media used in cognitive conflict strategy with Interactive lecture Demonstration (ILD).
Changes in students’ responses in each category were presented in Table 4. Students’ responses were further analyzed in term of unveiling their misconceptions based on test items of pre- post- and retention tests. These are presented in Table 5.
Table 5. Changes in students’ responses in each category based on each test items.
No. Test
Progress (PG) Maintain-Correct (MC) Maintain-Partial Correct (MPC) Maintain-Incorrect (MIC) Retrogression (RG) Retrogression (RG) Posttest Retention test Retrogression (RG) Posttest Retention test Retrogression (RG) Posttest Retention test Retrogression (RG) Posttest Retention test Retrogression (RG) Posttest Retention test 1 S2 S4 S6 S24 S35 S5, S7, S13 S6 S4, S20, S22, S29, S31 S33, S35, S41, S44, S45 S20, S29, S31 S30, S32, S38 S20, S22, S29, S38 S5, S14, S19, S20, S44, S45, S47 S47 - - - 2 S1, S10, S19, S22, S34 S6, S15, S24, S27, S30, S10 S38, S58, S11, S22, S27 S10, S18 S27 S2, S4, S10, S14, S15, S17, S18, S19, S20, S22, S29, S31 S33, S34, S35, S41, S50, S13, S34, S35, S41, S44, S45, S49, S50, S51, S37, S29, S47 S24, S27, S30, S32, S38, S44, S45, S47 S2, S4, S5, S14, S19, S20, S22, S29, S31, S32, S33, S52 - S5, S7, S13, S7 S5 3 - S24, S27, S30, S38, S47 S7, S15, S18 S38, S58 S10, S4, S10, S14 S2, S13, S15, S17, S18, S19, S20, S22, S29, S31 S33, S34, S35, S51, S52, S57 S41, S44, S45, S49, S50, S51, S57, S58 S13, S34, S35 S14, S19, S24, S27, S30, S32, S38, S44, S45, S47 S2, S3, S4, S5, S20, S22, S29, S31 S14, S19 S5, S7, S13, S49 S5 - 4 S22, S34, S50, S41, S42 S52, S57 S42, S57 S28, S25, S12 S14, S17, S24, S34, S25, S34 S1, S6, S11, S17 S26, S33 - S19, S15, S42 S27, S9 S45 S9, S19 - - - 5 S38, S15, S32 S24, S27, S34, S44, S45, S58 S3, S7, S18 S17, S20 S27, S45, S33, S38 S3, S10, S19, S22, S34, S50, S41, S42 S49, S50, S52, S57 S14, S35, S38, S30, S31, S32, S4, S5, S13, S14, S18, S24, S44, S47, S49 S2, S4, S5, S10, S13, S19, S20, S22, S29, S30, S31, S29, S35, S41 S2, S7, S15, S57 S17 - 6 - S17, S18, S22, S33, S38, S45, S47, S51, S52 S17, S18, - - S2, S3, S19, S24, S10, S15, S17, S19, S20, S24, S29, S30, S31, S32, S34, S41, S44, S49, S52, S50, S58 S27, S34, S35, S44, S57 S31, S50 S13, S14, S18, S22, S27, S33, S35, S38, S45, S47, S50, S21 S4, S5, S10, S15, S20, S29, S30, S31, S32, S41, S49, S50, S48 S13, S14 S7 - - 7 - S7, S13, S15, S19, S27, S34, S41, S58 S58 - S4, S10, S14, S17, S18, S24, S29, S30, S32, S33, S35, S44, S47, S49, S52, S57 S2, S3, S10, S24, S44, S47, S50, S57 S2, S3, S5, S7, S13, S15, S19, S20, S22, S27, S31, S34, S38, S41, S45, S50 S4, S5, S14, S18, S20, S22, S29, S30, S31, S32, S33, S38, S45, S49, S51, S52 S51 S17 S35 8 S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,
S6, S7, S8, S9, S10,
S13, S14, S17, S19,
S23, S25, S26, S29,
S30, S32, S34, S36,
S38, S39, S42, S44,S1, S3, S5,
S22, S28
S6, S7, S9,
S10, S14,
S17, 19,S3, S4, S5 S24, S44, S47, S50, S45, - S10, S14,
S17, S19,S19 - - S86, S13, S23
S49 S22, S27 - - 9 S11, S12, S16, S21,
S24, S33, S40, S43S11, S21 S15, S17, S18, S19, S20, S22, S34, S35, S41, S44, S45, S49 S30, S32, S38, S44 S14, S19, S20, S22, S29, S31, - - S15 S24, S27, S30, S24 - 10 - S24, S27, S30, S28 S38, S58 S10, S18 S38 S2, S3, S4, S10, S14, S15, S17, S18, S19, S20, S22, S29, S31 S33, S34, S35, S41, S50, S51, S52, S57 S13, S34, S35, S41, S44, S45, S49, S50, S51, S57, S58 S33, S50 S24, S27, S30, S32, S38, S44, S45, S47 S2, S3, S4, S5, S14, S19, S20, S22, S29, S31, S32, S33, S42 S32, S42 S5, S7, S13, - -
Misconceptions of Students (M) Pretest Posttest Retention test Conceptual Change SC* (f) % SC* (f) % SC* (f) % M1: At the time of thermal equilibrium continues to occur so that the temperature of the heat transfer of different objects. S12, S29,&S27, S34 (4) 33 S22 & S30 (2) 17 S1
(1)8 Positive (+) M2: Objects more quickly absorb the heat radiation, will be slower emit heat radiation. S7, S23,& S33 (3) 25 S25 & S32 (2) 16 - - Positive (+) M3:- S12& S22 (2) 16 S15 (2) 16 S15
(1)8 No Change(0) M4: In the event conduction, heat flow because the dye molecules carried by intermediaries who move - - - - No Misconceptions M5: In the event conduction, heat flow because the dye molecules carried by intermediaries who move S9, S12, S17, S39, S37, S38, S44, S45, S39, S42, S46, & S49 (12) 90 S15, S28, S20, & S32 (4) 33 S29
(1)8 Positive (+) * refers to students’ misconceptions
As seen from the Table 5, Conceptual change about heat transfer through each test changed over time (pretest, posttest, and retention test), which are generally positive. Their frequency varied significantly, and this data was also presented in the Table 4. From the Table 4, positive conceptual changes occurred in students’ minds. The table showed that students’ alternative conceptions and difficulties decreased after the intervention. For illustration regarding the Table 5, the percentage decreased from 33% to 17% with retention test 8 % for pretest, posttest and retention test.
Copyright (C) 2017 EdUHK APFSLT. Volume 18, Issue 2, Article 12 (Dec., 2017). All Rights Reserved.