Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 18, Issue 2, Article 6 (Dec., 2017)
Perceptions of in-service teachers toward teaching STEM in Thailand

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The development of science and technology and the increasing number of skills necessary to work in the twenty-first century have influenced an educational paradigm shift. Education today emphasizes high-level thinking skills, creative thinking, problem-solving, and critical thinking, as well as the development of communication skills and technological proficiency as tools of inquiry for learning and living. The integration of all subjects, both in the classroom and in real life, is the primary trend toward making education more meaningful for students. The intent is that students realize the value of their studies and apply this knowledge to everyday life, which can lead to broader job opportunities in the future, add more value, and in turn build up national economies (Moore, 2008; National Research Council [NRC], 1996, 2000).

Many countries must be strongly alerted to practice educational reform. In Thailand, for example, the 2007 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) found that in the average mathematics score of eighth-grade Thai students was lower than that of most countries. Similarly, the average score in science for eighth-graders was low and decreasing over time (Ross et al., 2012).To help students stay globally competitive in terms of innovation and invention, STEM teaching has become a priority in K–12 education because well-integrated instruction increases retention, improves problem-solving skills, encourages the use of higher-level critical-thinking skills, and provides opportunities for students to learn in more relevant and stimulating experiences (Stohlmann et al., 2012).

To prepare students for the twenty-first century, educational institutions in many countries have adopted and forced in support of an increased focus on STEM education in schools (Honey et al., 2014). Many organizations have similar concerns about the future need for more skilled workers, especially in STEM-related fields and a knowledgeable population trained in STEM areas (Zollman, 2012). These alarming trends have increased support for change and have led to the formation of an education reform movement by integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into schools. Nevertheless, several solutions beyond this are necessary to better prepare students for their future because different regions may require tailored solutions to fit their specific circumstances.

While it is easy to offer definitions and conceptions of STEM putting STEM education into practice is much harder. Teachers play an important role in providing students opportunities to learn STEM activities. However, being a STEM teacher requires a different knowledge base than that of science teachers. The specialized knowledge of teachers, known as pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), plays important role in teaching quality. PCK is an amalgam of content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge that reflects a teacher’s ability to make specific content understandable for particular students (Shulman, 1986).

Teachers’ perceptions about teaching is considered one of the vital components of PCK and has a great influence on their practice. Therefore, on the success of any change in educational systems should take these into account (Bell, 1998; Pajares, 1992; Park & Oliver, 2008). Therefore, the first step toward developing teachers' PCK to teach STEM is to better understand how teachers think about the STEM approach as a starting point for change. Park and Oliver (2008) indicate that a teacher’s orientation, which is influenced by their belief and perception about learning and teaching, acts as a concept map for decisions addressing the other PCK components. Similarly, Gess-Newsome (2015) noted that teacher’s belief and perception can act as a filter and amplifier to the teacher’s action. This is the reasons why we need to focus on exploring and changing teachers’ perceptions urgently. A clear understanding of teachers’ STEM perceptions can serve as a powerful platform sustainably build a higher and better quality of STEM professional development experience.

Nowadays, Thailand encourages the support of teachers to develop STEM-appropriate teaching practices via STEM education agencies put forth by the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST). The Thai government’s intention to advance STEM education forward in the country (IPST, 2013) represents a major initializing period that will involve several research agendas to drive STEM education forward beyond a mere slogan among educators. Further research investigations are required to teach the country more about STEM education in all its dimensions in order to fill educational gaps and improve student competencies for the future. The purpose of this study is to explore in-service teachers’ initial perceptions including understanding of STEM definition and integrated perception of the STEM approach. The research question guiding this study is “What are in-service teachers’ perceptions about STEM education?”



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