Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 16, Issue 2, Article 3 (Dec., 2015)
Sasithep PITIPORNTAPIN and Deanna Marie LANKFORD
Using social media to promote pre-service science teachers’ practices of socio-scientific issue (SSI) - based teaching

Previous Contents


Professional Development about SSI-Based teaching and Using Social Media Questionnaire

Directions:  The aim of this questionnaire is to explore current pre-service science teachers’ perspectives on professional development about SSI-based teaching and using social media for promoting SSI-based teaching. This questionnaire has two parts.  Please fill your information in the blank as follows:

Part I: Personal Data
1. Gender ………………….........………… 2. Age ......................................……………….
3. Major fields …………………..........…………………..........…………………................
4. Grade point average (GPA) …………………..........…………………..........…….......….
5. SSI-based teaching experience.…………………..........…………………..........….......…

Part II: Perceptions about Professional Development and Using Social Media for Promoting SSI-Based teaching

1. Do you need professional development about SSI-based teaching? If yes, tell me your reasons.

2. What is the appropriate strategy for professional development about SSI-based teaching?

3. What do you think about using mentoring as a professional development strategy for SSI-based teaching?

4. What do you think about using social media as a professional development strategy for SSI-based teaching?




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