Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 16, Issue 2, Article 5 (Dec., 2015)
Youngmi GO and Jinju KANG
Early childhood pre-service teachers’ self-images of science teaching in constructivism science education courses

Previous Contents


Cho, B., & Go, Y. (2006a). Participating in the learning community for kindergarten teacher. Journal of Early Childhood Education, 26(1), 69-100.

Cho, B., & Go, Y. (2006b). The relationships among kindergarten teachers' science teaching anxiety, teaching practices and young children's attitude toward science. Journal of Korea Open Association for Early Childhood Education, 11(6), 339-369.

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Kang, H., Kim, E., Choi, S., & Noh, T. (2010). The influence of teaching practices upon preservice elementary school teachers' self-images of science teaching. Journal of Korea Association for Science Education, 30(2), 261-274.

Kang, H., Shin, S., Cha, J., Han, J., & Noh, T. (2007). Influences of current education program for preservice chemistry teachers upon preservice science teachers' self-images as science teacher. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, 51(2), 201-212.

Koh, E. J., & Choi, B, S. (2013). A case study on the influence of science courses on pre-service chemistry teachers’ view learning. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, 58(1), 105-117.

Lee. E., & Cho, B. (2010). Development of an early childhood science education course model for enhancing pre-service teachers` pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Early Childhood Education, 30(2), 405-429.

Lumpe, A., Czerniak, C., Haney, J., & Beltyukova, S. (2012). Beliefs about teaching science: The relationship between elementary teachers’ participation in professional development and student achievement, International Journal of Science Education, 34(2), 153-166.

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Markic, S., & Eilks, I. (2008). A case study on German first year chemistry, student teachers' beliefs about chemistry teaching, and their comparison with student teachers from other science teaching domains. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 8, 25-34.

Markic, S., Eilks, I., & Valanides, N. (2008). Developing a tool to evaluate differences in beliefs about science teaching and learning among freshman science student teachers from different science teaching domains: A case study. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 4(2), 109-120.

Sadhana, P., Stylianou, A., & Goldstien, J. (2012). Comparing classroom enactments of an inquiry curriculum: Lessons learned from two teachers. The Journal of the Learning Science, 16(1), 81-130.

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Seung, E., Park, S., & Narayan, R. (2011) Exploring Elementary pre-service teachers' beliefs about science teaching and learning as revealed in their metaphor writing. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20, 703-714.

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Thomas, J. A. & Pedersen, J. E., & Finson, K. D. (2001). Validating the draw-a-science-teacher-test-checklist(DASTT-C): Exploring mental models and teacher beliefs. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 12(4), 295-310.

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Yeung, Y., Lee, Y., & Lam I. C., (2012). Curriculum reform and restructuring of senior secondary science education in Hong Kong: Teachers’ perceptions and implications. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 13(2), Article 11.

You, J., Kang, H., & Noh, T. (2010). Preservice elementary teachers' self-images of science teaching and factors influencing their formation. Journal of Korea Association for Science Education, 30(1), 94-106.



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