The Editorial
Board would like to express our sincere thanks to
the following persons who had offered their kind
assistance to review and provide professional
comments on manuscripts considered for publication
in this issue of APFSLT:
- Dr. Behiye AKCAY (University of Iowa, USA)
- Dr. Bülent AYDOĞDU (Afyon Kocatepe University, TURKEY)
- Dr. Khajornsak BUARAPHAN (Mahidol University, THAILAND)
- Dr. Yılmaz CAKICI (Trakya University, TURKEY)
- Dr. Muammer ÇALIK (Karadeniz Technical University, TURKEY)
- Dr. Osman CARDAK (Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY)
- Prof.
Wheijen CHANG (Feng Chia University, TAIWAN)
- Mr. Nelson C.C. CHEN (National Science and Technology Museum, TAIWAN)
- Dr. Gulcan CETIN (Balikesir University, TURKEY)
- Dr. Ayse SERT ÇIBIK (Gazi University, TURKEY)
- Dr.
Wenjing DENG (Hong Kong Institute of Education,
- Dr. Musa DIKMENLI (Selcuk University, TURKEY)
- Dr. Hidayah Mohd FADZIL (Universiti Malaya, MALAYSIA)
- Dr.
Lincoln FOK (Hong Kong Institute of Education,
- Dr. Murat GENC (Düzce University, TURKEY)
- Dr. Necati HIRÇA (Harran University, TURKEY)
- Dr.
Anjni KOUL (National Council of Educational Research and Training, INDIA)
- Dr.
Irene LAM (Hong Kong Institute of Education,
- Dr. Victor LAU (Chinese University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG)
- Prof.
Sheau-Wen LIN (National Pingtung University of
Education, TAIWAN)
- Prof. Mun Ling LO (Hong Kong Institute of Education,
- Prof.
John LOUGHRAN (Monash University, AUSTRALIA)
- Dr. Funda ORNEK
(University of Bahrain, BAHRAIN)
- Dr. Gülten ŞENDUR (Dokuz Eylül University, TURKEY)
- Dr.
Samuel Kwok-ho TSOI (Hong Kong Institute of
Education, HONG KONG)
- Dr. Pratchayapong YASRI (Mahidol University, THAILAND)
- Dr. Nilgün YENICE (Adnan Menderes University, TURKEY)
- Dr. Shaona ZHOU (South China Normal University, CHINA)