Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article 10 (Dec., 2014)
Tavasuria ELANGOVAN and Zurida ISMAIL
The effects of 3D computer simulation on biology students’ achievement and memory retention

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Conclusions and recommendations

The integration of realistic simulation (3D multimedia simulation) and non-realistic simulation (desktop virtual reality simulation) in Biology teaching and learning have positive impacts on students. However, the findings of this study showed that realistic simulation (3D multimedia simulation) is more effective in learning Biology than the non-realistic simulation (desktop virtual reality simulation). Realistic simulation (3D multimedia simulation) in Cell Division topic helped students to visualize and understand the abstract and difficult concepts such as mitosis and meiosis through the simulation.

It is suggested that future studies investigate the use of realistic simulation (3D multimedia simulation) and non-realistic simulation (desktop virtual reality) in teaching and learning process for a longer period to see the longitudinal impact students’ learning. Other factors that might be affect students’ achievement and memory retention such as gender differences, students’ ability level and students’ spatial level should also be considered. It is also suggested that future studies should adopt both quantitative and qualitative research methods to provide insights into the process of teaching and learning.


I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Zurida Ismail and also Dr. Mageswary Karpudewan (School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) for their guidance and also for reading the manuscript.



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