Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article 1 (Dec., 2014)
The abstract thinking levels of the science-education students in Gaza universities

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The findings of the current study should be of a major concern for different parties on a number of levels of decision makers: universities, schools, and Ministry of Education. In the light of the findings, the current study recommends the following points:

  • It is necessary to develop selection process to have better candidates for the science teachers in the future. By following specific criteria, Colleges will be able to shortlist applicants in a highly effective way.
  • This study highlights the need for science instructor (teacher) who has better understanding of cognitive developmental of his students to cope with teaching challenges in science. She/he should have better understanding of the cognitive developmental profile of their students and their capabilities. This may help teachers to design more effective instructional material for teaching science.
  • It is necessary to develop the Teacher Preparation Program in the Palestinian universities to enhance the student teachers to use thinking skills in teaching. Colleges of Education should design courses and activities that meet students’ needs and support their continued cognitive development.



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