Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 14, Issue 1, Article 6 (Jun., 2013)
Kwok-chi LAU
Impacts of a STSE high school biology course on the scientific literacy of Hong Kong students

Previous Contents


1. A sample of assessment items for scientific inquiry skills

Chi Ming grew the mould in nine dishes containing the same amount and type of nutrients. Three dishes were kept at 0oC, three were kept at 90oC, and three were kept at room temperature (about 27oC). The growth of the mould were observed and recorded after four days.

  1. The purpose of this investigation is to find out how the independent variable affects dependent variable. What is the independent variable of this investigation ?
    1. Growth of bread mould
    2. Amount of nutrients in each dish
    3. Temperature of the dishes
    4. Number of dishes at each temperature
  1. What is the dependent variable of this investigation ?
    1. Growth of bread mould
    2. Amount of nutrients in each dish
    3. Temperature of the dishes
    4. Number of dishes at each temperature

A study tests whether oil additive X will increase the efficiency of a car. Five identical cars each receive the same amount of oil but with different amounts of additive X. They are then tested on their efficiency.

  1. How could the efficiency of a car be measured in this study ?
    1. Ask the passengers to evaluate how comfortable the car is when it is traveling.
    2. Ask the drivers to evaluate the efficiency of the cars during driving.
    3. Measure the distances each car travels on the same track until they run out of oil.
    4. Measure the noise produced by the car when climbing up a slope.

A farmer wants to speed up the production of tomato plants. His hypothesis is that the more water the seeds receive the faster they germinate.

  1. How can he test this hypothesis ?
    1. Place seeds in different trays and give them different amount of water. Count the number of days the seeds take to germinate.
    2. Place seeds in different trays and give them different amount of water. Measure the height of the seedlings in different trays.
    3. Place seeds in different trays and give them different amount of water. Measure the amount of water used by the tomato seeds before they germinate.
    4. Place different numbers of seeds in different trays and give them the same amount of water. Count the numbers of days the seeds take to germinate.

2. The STSE themes and expected learning outcomes of the STSE course

STSE theme


Scientific knowledge

STSE connections

Scientific inquiry skills and nature of science understandings


1.1 Stories of intersexuals

Knowledge required by the syllabus

Structures and functions of male and female reproductive systems; Development of secondary sexual characteristics; Meiosis and mitosis; Chromosome, DNA and genes; Sex determination in humans

Knowledge outside the syllabus

Sexual differentiation in early embryo; Causes of intersexuality -Klinefelter Syndrome and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

1.   The complex interactions between science and society in defining gender

2.   Patient rights

3.   Social responsibility of scientists and medical doctors

4.   Technocratic and democratic views on socio-scientific decision making

5.   Contributions and limitations of science and technology in dealing with social problems

6.   Relationship between science and technology

7.   Government and social control on the development of science

Scientific inquiry skills

1.   Recognize scientifically investigable questions

2.   Identify evidence needed for a scientific investigation

3.   Propose alternative hypotheses

4.   Identify dependent, independent and control variables in an investigation

5.   Operationalize variables

6.   Make predictions based on hypotheses

7.   Draw evidence-based conclusions

8.   Evaluate conclusion critically

9.   Reason quantitatively, e.g. how samples size and sampling method affect the interpretation of results, recognizing trends and patterns in graphs and data

10.        Communicate science concepts and conclusion effectively to target audience


Nature of science understandings

1.        Science has its limitations, especially in dealing with social problems

2.        The tentative and evolutionary nature of science

3.        Science is not only done by experiments, but also by natural observations and theorizing.

1.2 How are man and woman different ?

1.3 How is sex determined?

1.4 Historical discoveries about sperm and eggs

1.5 Artificial selection of baby sex

1.6 Causes of intersexuality - Klinefelter syndrome and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

1.7 Social and ethical issues associated with intersexuals

Teen sex and pregnancy

2.1 Survey on teens’ attitudes toward sex



2.2 Contraception

Knowledge required by the syllabus

Sperm and ovum; Menstrual cycle; Sexual intercourse and fertilization; Implantation; Contraceptive methods


2.3 Male contraceptive

Knowledge outside the syllabus

Male contraceptives


2.4 Abortion

Knowledge required by the syllabus

Embryonic development; Amniotic fluid; Placenta and umbilical cord


2.5 AIDS in Hong Kong



3.1 Causes and treatments of infertility


The journey to become a mother

4.1 Prenatal examination and giving birth


Knowledge required by the syllabus

Prenatal care; Breast-feeding;Vaccination; Birth process

Knowledge outside the syllabus

Signs of pregnancy; Pregnancy test; Calculation of date of delivery; Mother’s health and the foetus; Rhesus blood groups; Epidural anaesthesia; Signs of birth; Assisted birth and caesarian

3. Outline of Teaching

Each period lasts for 40 minutes

Period 1-2

Period 3-4

Period 5-6

Period 7-8

Period 9

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