Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 11, Issue 1, Article 10 (Jun., 2010)
A proper policy in the permanent teacher’s training: Key impulse of the ICT Centre in Andalusia (Spain)

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Techniques for the collection of data

Given the objectives set out and the information that we are trying to obtain, a detailed investigation with an educational context has been chosen. We are interested in describing the integration of the ICT, as Cabero points out (2003b: 26-27), from the point of view that they are, therefore, instruments to transmit information, «instruments of thought and culture».

However, in this article, for obvious questions of space, fundamentally, in the interviews and target groups, of a qualitative character, that offers us more detailed information to determine the means of urgency for the Andalucian  ICT centres.

In the last trimester of 2005 we notice the dates when the interviews and focus groups are carried out, following a negotiation phase to be able to access the field.

Two interviews are carried out for each centre, one with the Head teacher and the other with the coordinator of the ICT project, to estimate that their opinions could be different and complementary. The script for both differs in some areas, in order to be able to notice the possible differences of opinion, above all in terms of organisation, techniques or related to administration.

Given that our investigation is based on a sample of 16 Andalucian centres, the interviews carried out have been 31, so in one of the schools the Head Teacher was also the coordinator of the ICT project.

We record the interviews for their posterior digitalisation and finally the procoesses of Word, ASCII format for their posterior qualitative analysis via the computing program HyperResearch; and finally, it has been analysed using the following system of categories previously defined with intention to make the definition and formulation easier once we have registrated and depending on, naturally, the objectives of our investigation.

In terms of our target group, we conceive them as «a carefully planned conversation, designed to obtain information in the defined area of interest, in the permissive environment, none directed script by a moderating expert» (Krueger and Case, 2000: 24).

The first meeting was attended by the coordinators of the ICT projects, for both the Head of the school as well as the coordinators of the project, along with the investigators, and other relevant figures for the setting up and development of the projects referred to.

The task of these target groups centres on their opinions, expectations, interests, etc… about the incorporation and the use of the ICT in the educational centres.

In this way, new target groups are developed, which deal with the topics presented in the following table nº1:

Table of topics

Facilities and organisational obstacles,
Alternative measures,
Teacher training,
Didactic use of the material,
Educational platforms and free software, and
Competence of teachers and students

Table nº1: Relation of topics covered by the target groups

Once the sessions are finished, and the content transcripted and analysed, we carry out the second target group with those involved, with the aim to recognise the conclusions and to corroborate the data found, as well as incorporating new contributions, experiences, opinions and proposals to improve the projects from within the centres.

We understand that for this type of evaluative investigation, as we have already drawn on above, the detailed methodologies are most pertinent when we want to know a determined social phenomenon in all of its complexity.

The questionnaire, as method of the investigation, is able to give answers for problems for both detailed terms as well as for variable factors, with the aim to describe reality, identify rules and patterns of conditions and actions and to determine relationships between events (Buendía, 1997).

We undertake this work with the design of transversal investigation, with different corresponding temporal moments to the different phases of investigation.

In this study the questionnaires have been complemented with group interviews or target groups that permitted the qualitative and clarified expression of the information obtained, serving as a contrast, confirmation and triangulation of information.

On the other hand, there was a process of document analysis, detailing and interpreting the information contained in the documents from the organisation of the centres, as regards the implementation of the ICT within them.

Naturally, but also in a complementary form, we made use of the observational methodology, as a procedure to understand the significance of the conducts in their natural context, with rigorous registers.

The analysis of the availability and use of IT and distance learning facilities in the ICT centres was carried out by means of systematic observation, without participating, but rather driven by lists of control and scales of estimation.

In the summary that we set out here we pay special attention to the results taken from the work carried out during the interviews.


Copyright (C) 2010 HKIEd APFSLT. Volume 11, Issue 1, Article 10 (Jun., 2010). All Rights Reserved.