Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 10, Issue 1, Article 7 (June, 2009)
Investigating level of the scientific literacy of primary school teacher candidates

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This research was implemented during the fall semester of 2008-2009 academic year as a case study approach. The sample consists of ninety female and forty-two male fourth-year student teachers from the primary school teacher training program in the faculty of education at Amasya University. The characteristics of the sample can be seen in Table 1.

Table I. Characteristics of the sample









Completed Science Courses (Credits)

General Biology (2)
General Chemistry (2)
General Physics (2)
Science and Technology Laboratory I (1)
Science and Technology Laboratory II (1)
Environmental Education (2)
Science and Technology Teaching I (3)
Science and Technology Teaching II (3)
Life Science Teaching (3)
Astronomy (2)


In this research, a multiple choice test of 35 items was used with the aim of assessing scientific literacy of primary school teacher candidates. It consisted of 5 items related to physical science, 5 items related to life science, 5 items related to earth science, 5 items related to scientist properties, 10 items related to the nature of science and science and technology and 5 items related to the social perspective of science. Each test item has four options. Correct scores were given one point, and incorrect scores were given zero points. Instrumentation and language experts reviewed the test to establish content and face validity. Some modifications were made according to the experts’ comments. The test was first piloted and then applied to the sample group. The Sperman-Brown correlation coefficient was calculated at 0.80. The final test consists of 35 items.

Some example questions are given:

What kind of particles are there in the core of an atom? (Physical Science)

a) Only Protons                     b) Only Neutrons

c) Protons and neutrons        d) Electrons and neutrons

Some reactions occur during photosynthesis. Which of these reactions should occur during the process of photosynthesis? (Life Sciences)

a) Carbon dioxide and water are combined to create sugar.

b) Hydrogen atoms are combined to create helium atoms.

c) An egg and sperm are combined to create a new cell.

d) Water is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen.

Which of these factors has less importance when a new theory is accepted or rejected by scientists? (Nature of Science)

a) The theory is suggested by a famous scientist.

b) The theory is guided new scientific research.

c) Information explained by the theory is obtained from experiments.

d) The theory is compatible with previous theories.


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