Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 10, Issue 1, Article 4 (June, 2009)
Khajornsak BUARAPHAN & Sunun SUNG-ONG
Thai pre-service science teachers' conceptions of the nature of science

Previous Contents


Figure 1 The Myths of Science Questionnaire (MOSQ)

Directions: Please select the choice that best reflects your opinion and provide an explanation supporting your selection.



1. Hypotheses are developed to become theories only

Agree Uncertain Disagree


2. Scientific theories are less secure than laws

Agree Uncertain Disagree


3.Scientific theories can be developed to become laws

Agree Uncertain Disagree


4. Scientific knowledge cannot be changed

Agree Uncertain Disagree


5. The scientific method is a fixed step-by-step process

Agree Uncertain Disagree


6. Science and the scientific method can answer all questions

Agree Uncertain Disagree


7. Scientific knowledge comes from experiments only

Agree Uncertain Disagree


8. Accumulation of evidence makes scientific knowledge more stable

Agree Uncertain Disagree


9. A scientific model (e.g., the atomic model) expresses a copy of reality

Agree Uncertain Disagree


10. Scientists do not use creativity and imagination in developing scientific knowledge

Agree Uncertain Disagree


11. Scientists are open-minded without any biases

Agree Uncertain Disagree


12. Science and technology are identical

Agree Uncertain Disagree


13. Scientific enterprise is an individual enterprise

Agree Uncertain Disagree


14. Society, politics, and culture do not affect the development of scientific knowledge

Agree Uncertain Disagree


Figure 2 Pre-service science teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science (Items 1 to 7)

Figure 3 Pre-service science teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science (Items 8 to 14)


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