Welcome Message
Link is a learning programme designed specifically for leaders in international schools in Hong Kong. Taking careful account of feedback from participants it builds on previous Leading Upstream Programmes. It targets heads of subjects, heads of year, heads of house, heads of faculty and other leaders in English Schools Foundation (ESF) schools.
Although leaders need certain knowledge and skills to be effective, successful leaders are those who intentionally work out what is important to students and then link their actions to those beliefs and values. Links encourages participants to link what they learn during the programme with who they are and what they do as leaders. The purpose of Links is to help leaders make the links which underpin successful leadership. Links is based on the latest international and local research about school leadership and administration.
Feel free to read through the Programme. We welcome your feedback and
suggestions for improvement. If you would like further information, please
do not hesitate to contact us.
Allan Walker and Terry Quong