Regional Research Grants Award Scheme


The Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change announces the initiation of a Regional Research Grants (RRG) award scheme in the area of leadership and change. Its purposes are to 1) support quality research and development and 2) enhance research capacity in the region on themes directly relevant to the APCLC mission.

More specifically, this scheme seeks to achieve the following goals:
  1. Increase the Centre’s impact through refinement and extension of its research and development projects in a variety of national contexts in the Asia Pacific region;
  2. Enhance regional capacity for conducting high quality research on leadership and change;
  3. Strengthen relationships between EdUHK and other regional researchers through collaboration on specific research and development projects;
  4. Communicate the APCLC’s commitment to collaborate in the execution of a regional Research and Development agenda in leadership and change;
  5. Expand the critical mass of researchers focused on a common research agenda on leadership and change in the Asia Pacific region.
APCLC Core Research Areas
  • To identify indigenous as well as common characteristics of successful leadership, innovation and change in organisations across the Asia Pacific.
  • To understand and describe the means by which leaders at all levels contribute to the successful education of children.
  • To gain insight into the ways in which societal culture and other features of the social-organisational context impact the practices of leaders.
  • To increase understanding of the methods, processes and outcomes of leadership preparation and development through research and evaluation.
  • To provide insight into education reform and change in local and regional contexts and in international schools.
Grant Programme Operation
  • A limited number of awards will be made annually in amounts up to but not exceeding Hk$35,000 per grant.
  • Evaluations of proposals will be based upon:
    • Theoretical and practical importance of the project,
    • Relevance to the Centre’s priority research and development themes,
    • Quality of methodology,
    • Value added to the current set of projects funded under the auspices of the APCLC.
  • Proposals may be submitted at any time during the fiscal year (i.e., July 1 - June 30), and allocation of funds will be made on a rolling basis.
  • All decisions on funding will be made by a committee comprised of the Director / Co-Director and at least one Associate Director of the APCLC or their designees and are considered final.

Award Scheme Conditions

  • Since this scheme is intended to foster regional collaboration and extend the impact of the APCLC’s R & D agenda, applications are limited to teams comprised of EdUHK and APCLC Senior Research Fellow(s) / Research Fellow(s) / APCLC Scholar-Practitioner Fellow. Qualified research teams must include a Principal Investigator who is a full-time EdUHK staff member, and at least 1 co-investigator who holds a current appointment as an APCLC Senior Research Fellow / APCLC Research Fellow / APCLC Scholar-Practitioner Fellow.
  • Eligible Forms of Research:
    • This scheme is designed to support both research projects and development projects which fit into the APCLC research agenda / fit with the prioritized APCLC research theme(s).
    • Research projects must be empirical, involving the collection of data in regional context(s). Conceptual papers are not supported by this scheme.
    • The scheme can also be employed to support development projects. This could take the form of translation and field testing of an APCLC development product. Intellectual property issues related to development products emerging from these funded projects must be clarified at the time of funding.
    • The proposed project should link explicitly to an ongoing or completed research or development project conducted by an APCLC Fellow or APCLC staff member. If the proposal is for a new project, it must clearly establish the linkage to one of the APCLC’s research themes.
  • APCLC Fellows may apply for an award in any amount up to HK$35,000 for a 12-month period. While a faculty member may not hold more than three RRG awards simultaneously, there is no limit to the number of awards s/he may receive over time.
  • Funds are intended to support the conduct of research and development projects that have practical outcomes and deliverables.
  • Eligible Use of Grant Funds:
    • Regional (overseas) and local travel expenses incurred by the awardees for the purposes of conducting the study or disseminating its results.
    • Staff assistance in carrying out the project
      (e.g., Part time / full time Senior Research Assistant(s) and / or Research Assistant(s) and / or Post Doctoral Fellow(s) to be employed by and serving at EdUHK, and / or assistantship by independent contractor(s), such as translator(s) and research project consultant(s) to be invited by the EdUHK.
    • Publication expenses including translation, editing and other expenses associated with data collection and data analysis.
    • Research Consultation.
    • General Expenses.
  • APCLC Fellows who receive a grant award will be expected to show evidence of publication or development output within a timely period. The grant holder(s) are required to submit a report to the APCLC within 6 months of the completion date of the project. The grant holder(s) will be required to indicate in the report the achieved deliverables arising from the project including their submission of application(s) for external research grant(s) and publication of international refereed output(s).
  • All products funded through this scheme must acknowledge APCLC grant support (e.g., publications that result from the funding support should note the contribution of the APCLC in the acknowledgement).
  • Eligibility for subsequent RRGs will be linked to evidence of outcomes of the previous Research and Development project(s). Fellows may not apply for a second RRG until they can show evidence of output from other funded projects.
  • Faculty who are unsuccessful in obtaining funding for their proposal may not submit proposals more than twice in the same fiscal year.


Should you have any enquires, please contact the Manager of APCLC at (852) 2948 6257  or