Centre News


APCLC Director as Expert Discussant
at the Inaugural Conference of the Judgment Project, University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Qian Haiyan, Director of APCLC, was invited as an expert discussant at the Inaugural Invitational Global Conference of the Judgment Project during November 12-16 at University of Pennsylvania. The Judgment Project is a cross-disciplinary collaboration focused on the understanding and development of in situ judgments for professionals working in education, medicine, nursing, business, policing, and other fields.

Scholars from different areas, including Prof. Lisa Dieker, the Williamson Family Distinguished Professor in special education in the School of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Kansas; Mr. Joan Walker, the Program Director of the National Science Foundation; Dr. Paulo Volante Beach, the Associate Professor in the School of Education at Universidad Católica de Chile; Dr. Jonathan Supovitz, the Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Education at University of Pennsylvania; Mr. Philip Dickison, the CEO of The National Council of State Boards of Nursing; Ms. Adina Kalet, the Director of Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Institute for the Transformation of Medical Education at Medical College of Wisconsin; Dr. Sara Dexter, the Associate Professor of Education at University of Virginia; Prof. Maria Haberfeld, the Professor of Criminal Justice at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City; Prof. Arnaud Chevallier, the Professor of Strategy at IMD Business School; Ms. Ann Marie Hoyt-Brennan, the Director of Helene Fuld Pavilion for Innovative Learning and Simulation at U Penn; Prof. Antonia Villarruel, the Dean of Nursing Antonia at U Penn, attended the conference.