Centre News

Summer Institute for Teacher Leaders from GBA Normal Universities

The Summer Institute for Teacher Leaders from GBA Normal Universities was organised by The South China “New Normal” Construction Steering Committee and the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of The Education University of Hong Kong (APCLC) this June at the Education University of Hong Kong. The Summer Institute aims to:

1   enrich pre-service teachers’ professional learning across the GBA;
2   promote educational and cultural exchanges across the GBA; and
3   deepen the understanding of internationally leading educational experiences and enhance pre-service teachers’ professional responsibility.

The Summer Institute was opened by Dr. Qian Haiyan’s discussion on the professional learning of teacher leaders, followed by Dr. Li Wanlu’s sharing on improving lexical skills in writing. Several speakers and scholar-practitioners in the HK education profession were invited from different sectors of the educational system to share their insights, including Dr. Ho Chun-sing from EdUHK, Dr. Yau Kwok-kwong and Principal Ho Hon-kuen from the Centre of National History Education (Hong Kong) and teacher leaders from Hong Kong primary and secondary schools. Participants have also been provided the opportunity to visit leaders in HK schools and public organisations. Their shared expertise and practical experiences have initiated active discussion among the participants.

We would like to take this chance to thank all the speakers and participants who have enabled this meaningful endeavour across the GBA teacher leaders which deepens and strengthens their understanding of internationally leading educational experiences and teachers’ professional responsibility.