Leading Transitions:
Approaches to Support Principal Succession in Hong Kong Schools
Principal succession inevitably brings change. Along with the potential for the infusion of new ideas and perspectives, there are tensions with bringing about smooth transitions and supporting continuity. How succeeding principals are supported in understanding their new contexts can influence their readiness to lead.
In this seminar, we will review international understandings of principal succession and present findings from our recent research into dierent models of principal succession in local Hong Kong schools. The models indicate varying support from School Sponsoring Bodies and school leaders. We will probe the practical implications of these findings. Participants will be invited to review and critique these models and consider potential applications in their own contexts. Details of the webinar below:
September 11, 2021 (Saturday) |
10:00am to 12:00 noon |
Prof Allan Walker
Research Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership
& Co-director of APCLC, EdUHK
Dr Darren Bryant
Head of Department of Education Policy and Leadership
& Associate Director of APCLC
Dr Stanley Sai-mun Ho
Scholar Paractitioner Fellow of APCLC, EdUHK
Online Forum
(Link to be sent to participants via email after enrolment) |
English and Cantonese |
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