Centre News


APCLC Director is Invited as the Key Speaker
at the Symposium of the Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE)

On April 7, the ACDE Symposium will be held at the annual convention of the American Education Research Association in Toronto. Themed ‘Current and Future Directions in Teacher Education across the Globe’, the Symposium will focus on teacher education, teaching preparation programmes, and related education issues. The issues to be discussed include equity, diversity, justice, political contexts, working conditions and desirability of the profession, quality standards, and innovations in teacher education, as some examples.

Prof Allan Walker, Dean of Faculty of Education and Human Development and Director of Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change of The Education University of Hong Kong, is invited to be one of the key speakers at the Symposium. Prof. Walker will share his thoughts on the current state of teacher education in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region. He will also discuss the prospects for teacher education both in the region and beyond.