Page 39 - EdUHK Comm Book Flip book
P. 39

UGC submitted
its review report to the Education Bureau, recommending that a university title be awarded to the Institute in September 2015
2015年9月, 教資會向教育局提交檢討報告, 建議授予教院大學之名
HKIEd ranked 3rd in Asia and 15th in the world in Education, according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015
2015年QS世界大學學科排名,教院於教育領域 位列亞洲第3與全球第15名
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Bachelor of Education (Honours) in History and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in Mathematics programmes launched
開辦企業、會計與財務概論教育榮譽學士課程、 歷史教育榮譽學士課程,以及中學數學教育榮譽 學士課程
Final Honorary Doctorates conferred under the name of HKIEd at the 21st Congregation on 20 November 2015
2015年11月20日,第21屆畢業典禮,為最後一次以香港教育學院名義, 頒授榮譽博士銜

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