Master of Teaching

Programme Talk

Special Features

Date: 20 March 2025

Time: 1900

Language: Putonghua

Platform: VooV Meeting

Click here for registration

  1. The very first Master of Teaching Programme in Hong Kong to focus on pedagogical practices at an advanced level
  2. "To identify teachers in the heart of quality education” – a mission of fostering teacher leaders who can rally school teams on reforms in changing school contexts
  3. Latest research findings and evidence-based teaching practices and pedagogies adopted as learning materials
  4. Delivered by learner-oriented approach which caters for participants' diverse needs, despite of their different school work experience
  5. Nurtures teacher leaders via reflection-in-practice and reflection-through-practice
  6. Supports curriculum reform and school-based work experience
  7. The practitioner-based research project is the programme highlight, serving to make a difference in learning through practice, reflection, and evaluation
  8. Designed and implemented by a team of experts and subject specialists, with professional qualifications to provide strong scaffolding with their expertise

This programme is suitable for fresh graduates and teachers at different stages of their careers,  interested in pursuing advanced studies preparing them for future school leadership

Participants are required to complete a total of 8 courses (24 credit points) for graduation.

  Credit Points
Core Courses (3 credit points / course)
1.    Teaching Strategies for Enhancing Student Learning
2.    Teacher Leadership and School Improvement
3.    Learning in the Inclusive Classroom
4.    Methods in Research for Learning
5.    Practitioner-based Research Project

 3 courses (3 credit points / course) from one of the following specialisations:

  • Curriculum Development
  • Early Childhood Education and Family Studies
  • Special Education
  • 中國語言及文學的學與教 (Learning and Teaching of Chinese Language and Literature) (for Full-Time study only)
  • English Language Education
  • Teaching Greater China Studies in Liberal Studies Curriculum (for Full-Time study only)
  • Teaching Physical Education - An Advanced Study (for Full-Time study only)



Total 24

In 2025/26, the Master of Teaching Programme will offer the following specialisations. Participants can choose one of the followings:

  • English Language Education
  • 課程發展 (Curriculum Development) 
  • 中國語言及文學的學與教 (Learning and Teaching of Chinese Language and Literature) (for Full-time study only)

The following specialisations will be suspended in 2025/26:

  • Early Childhood Education and Family Studies
  • Special Education
  • Teaching Greater China Studies in Liberal Studies Curriculum (for Full-time study only)
  • Teaching Physical Education - An Advanced Study (for Full-time study only)

Applicants may apply for credit transfer in the Master of Teaching Programme for up to 9 credit points:

  • Graduates from the 5-year Bachelor of Education Programmes of the EdUHK may apply for credit transfer if they have studied MTeach specialisation courses as electives in their senior years of study.
  • Participants have attended courses for the Certificate of Professional Development Programmes or other Master’s degree programmes of which the standards and contents match those of the MTeach Programme’s courses, may apply for credit transfer.

Classes in the same or different semester(s) may be scheduled on weekday daytime/evenings, weekends and/or during long holidays at the Tai Po Campus / Tseung Kwan O Study Centre / North Point Study Centre / Kowloon Tong Satellite Study Centre and/or other locations as decided by the University.

Two streams of studies are offered for the Master of Teaching Programme from 2023/24 and onwards:

English as the medium of instruction [EMI] 

The medium of instruction is mainly English. Putonghua and Cantonese are adopted as the language of instruction for some courses, as appropriate, for the following specialisation: 

  • English Language Education

Chinese (Putonghua/Cantonese) as the medium of instruction [PMI/CMI]

The medium of instruction is mainly Chinese (Putonghua / Cantonese). English is adopted as the language of instruction for relevant courses, as appropriate, for the following specialisations:

  • 中國語言文學的學與教 (Learning and Teaching of Chinese Language and Literature)
  • 課程發展 (Curriculum Development)

Tuition Fee: HK$172,800  (Provisional and subject to adjustment)

The University reserves the right to make changes to tuition fee without prior notice. Tuition fees paid are normally not refundable or transferable.

Applicants should hold a recognised bachelor’s degree and a recognised teacher’s qualification, or equivalent.
Applicants may be required to attend an interview/test.

Applicants whose entrance qualification is obtained from an institution in a non-English speaking system should normally fulfil one of the following minimum English proficiency requirements:

(i) Taught Master’s Programmes

  • Overall score of IELTS 6.0 (academic version)#; or
  • TOEFL score of 80 (internet-based test)#; or
  • Band 6 in the College English Test (CET)# with a total score of 430; or
  • Grade C or above in GCSE / GCE OL English; or
  • Other equivalent qualifications.


# The test should be taken in test centres and the result should be valid within two years.
For example, if you are applying for 2025/26 academic year, your IELTS / TOEFL / CET6 test must be obtained on or after 1 January 2023.

TOEFL Home Editions, TOEFL MyBest Score, IELTS Indicator, IELTS Online, IELTS One Skill Retake, Duolingo and National Postgraduate Entrance Examination (全國碩士研究生招生考試) are NOT acceptable.

Applicants are strongly recommended to take the IELTS and submit their score upon application.

Remark: Please note that this programme will not lead to a Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) qualification. To acquire a QTS in Hong Kong, a person should obtain a local Teacher's Certificate or Post-graduate Diploma / Certificate in Education or equivalent qualifications.

Master of Teaching Entrance Scholarship from 2024/25 and onwards
Master of Teaching has newly established an Entrance Scholarship from 2024/25 and onwards with the following objectives:
(a) to encourage teachers’ pursuit of higher qualifications and professionalism;
(b) to promote the Master of Teaching programme and attract highly qualified candidates

For further information, please click HERE

The Scholarship for Teachers (Pursuit of Master’s Degree Programmes)
This programme is also under “the Scholarship for Teachers (Pursuit of Master’s Degree Programmes)” hosted by the Education Bureau.

For further information, please visit Education Bureau's website