Module Code 單元編號 |
ENG3329 |
Module Title 單元名稱 |
Module Synopsis 單元概要 |
This course builds on ‘English Grammar I’ by extending students’ knowledge of Standard English grammar as a system and linguistic resources to include more complex structures at the clause level. To deepen students’ appreciation of considerable variation in English usages in different parts of the world, they will be exposed to, and guided to analyze, authentic texts produced by English-L1 as well as English-L2 writers (e.g. regional English newspapers in Asia). Where possible, the grammatical norms in Standard English will be supplemented by illustrations of salient patterns of deviation in specific varieties of English in the world. The purpose is twofold: while Standard English is important for formal, especially written communication in international settings, systematic deviations may be found in different regional varieties of English due to forces of acculturation, resulting in the indigenization of English in the local, national or regional context. |