Programmes |
Leadership Learning Programmes |
Needs Analysis (NA) and Preparation For Principlship Course (PFP) for Aspiring Principals since 2002 In July 2002, the Education Bureau announced that from 2004/05 all newly appointed principals will need to attain the 'Certification for Principalship’ (CFP). The first key components of the CFP are the completion of a personal leadership Needs Analysis (NA) and “Preparation For Principalship Course (PFP)” for Aspiring Principals. The overall aim of the NA is to provide Aspiring Principals with an initial gauge of their strengths and developmental needs so that they can (i) assess their own suitability for the principal role, and (ii) design a meaningful personal professional learning plan geared toward achieving leadership potential. The PFP course comprises six leader learning modules, and training workshops for action plan writing as well as personal professional development portfolio preparation. The Education Bureau of HKSARG has accredited The Education University of Hong Kong to deliver the NA and PFP in Hong Kong. |
Through the understanding of leadership theories and management practice in a business organisation or an NGO, vice principals will (i) possess global perspectives of leadership beyond the school context; (ii) gain a strong understanding of leadership in their business organization or NGO; (iii) develop a deeper understanding of their leadership potential; (iv) enhance their leadership knowledge and skills for transfer to the school setting with adaptations; and (v) become more effective school leaders. |
Service Leadership 3Cs for Entrepreneurial Teacher Leaders Service Leadership 3Cs for Entrepreneurial Teacher Leaders is a leadership learning project designed to train school leaders to develop and accomplish innovative initiatives at schools. |
Leadership and Wellbeing A Journey of Transformation Educational leaders are facing infinite demands to lead their organisations during times of massive changes across the world. These challenges are particularly demanding for Hong Kong educational leaders, who are currently experiencing unprecedented professional dilemmas arising from various political, social, and academic issues. This programme is specially relevant to educational leaders who seek a capacity-building opportunity to maximise the success of individuals, teams, and organisations through enhancing individual and corporate well-being. This is also a programme to help educational leaders to regain their confidence that effective leadership can make a difference! |
Blue Line Blue Line is a leadership learning programme which has been specifically designed for experienced principals. |
Blue Light
Blue Light brings together students in the APCLC-based IELC and leaders from other countries. It emphasises on leading across cultures. The first three 5-day courses in Bangkok were attended by leaders from six Asia Pacific areas and leaders from the Australian Council for Educational Leadership, the Institute for Research on Educational Development (IRED) in Vietnam, the Asia Education Foundation (AEF) in Australia, and the International Baccalaureate (IB) in the USA. |
Programme on Professional Vision and Growth of School Leaders This Programme is 12-hour professional development programme for teachers as one of the designated programmes in the core part of training requirements of promotion to the posts of Senior Graduate Master / Mistress, Education Officer and Primary School Master / Mistress. |
This Programme aims to enhance school principals’ awareness and understanding of legal knowledge and related concepts, and put them into practices to carry out their leadership roles in school management more effectively. As outcomes of the Programme, school principals will (i) understand the basic legal concepts that include the Basic Laws and ordinances in Hong Kong in the school context pertaining to school management such as the Education Ordinance and Education Regulations, Employment Ordinance, Disability Discrimination Ordinance, Sex Discrimination Ordinance, Personal Date (Primacy) Ordinance, and Dangerous Drug Ordinance; and (ii) translate the above legal concepts and ordinances into practice with a view to better protecting teachers and students legally. |
The Excellent Leadership of Learning and Teaching Programme aims to further understand and integrate how leadership in learning and teaching facilitates effective learning, including class preparation, class observation, assessment of teaching & learning and teaching effectiveness; and better use data and evidence to evaluate school development; and to cope with new expectations of teaching and learning, such as self-directed learning, e-learning and Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM) education. |